1. The programme operator – the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (hereinafter referred to as ILLF).
No. of staff positions for the execution of the programme – 6.4.
2. The aim of the programme is comprehensive analysis of the basic aesthetic and social parameters of the formation and functioning of modern Lithuanian literature (from the late Soviet period to the early 21st century) by means of contemporary methodologies.
3. Objectives:
3.1. reconstructing of a generalised model of literary transformations in the late Soviet period in terms of erosion of homo sovieticus and critical assessment of Soviet reality (research studies and articles);
3.2. exploring ways by which structural changes in mentality and consciousness structures of the transitional period are revealed in literature, including the field of research strengthening ties with exile literature and modern world literature (research articles and conferences); revealing the elements of internationality and the meaning of national experiences in wider contexts;
3.3. constant analysis of the changing process of contemporary literature, assessment of its newly emerging aesthetic trends, responses of literature to social shifts, as well as indirect expression of sociality and dynamics of the literary field (conferences, articles, discussions of ongoing processes);
3.4. developing and improving of the methodological approaches to analyse the connections between literature and social relations, applying them to research of Lithuanian literature, focusing on the global tendencies of this type of research (critical analytic discussions of works, theoretical articles).
4. Estimated results:
Two monographs (Literature Without Explosions by dr. Loreta Mačianskaitė, 8 quires; Socio-Critical Research on Literature by dr. Dalia Satkauskytė, 8 quires), a synthetic study Social Realism Without Borders (working title, executive editor prof. habil. dr. Algis Kalėda, 12 quires), a collection of sources From the Archives: The Relations of Lithuanian Writers in Homeland and Exile in Letters and Documents (executive editor dr. Donata Mitaitė, 8 quires), a collection of articles and documents related to writer Aldona Liobytė (executive editor dr. Solveiga Daugirdaitė, 8 quires), six scholarly publications in peer-reviewed Lithuanian and international academic journals (3 quires).
5. Dissemination of results:
Collection of articles in English Lithuanian Literature in the Transitional Period (working title, executive editor habil. dr. Jūratė Sprindytė, 8 quires),
Five scholarly conferences: “The Earth Generation: Works and Days by Kazys Bradūnas” (coordinator D. Mitaitė, 2017);
“Literature of the Baltic Peoples in Contemporary Context” (international, working title, coordinator A. Jurgutienė, 2018);
“Expression of Sociality in Literature” (working title, coordinators D. Satkauskytė, R. Kmita, E. Baliutytė, 2019); “Homo Sovieticus Unbound” (working title, coordinators A. Kalėda, J. Sprindytė, 2020); “Traditions and Innovations: Are These Categories Still Relevant?” (working title, coordinators I. Vedrickaitė, G. Bernotienė, A. Kalėda, 2021).
Presentation of the monitoring annually conducted by the programme operators, presentation of books submitted for “The Most Creative Book of the Year” competition at the Vilnius Book Fair and in the mass media.
Popular science articles on the basis of research implemented in the framework of the programme, publication of intermediary results of research in TV and radio programmes, various events.
Methodological help, scientific cooperation with museums, scientific and educational institutions (the Tuskulėnai department of Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania in preparing the project “Homo sovieticus”).