Instructions to Authors

General Guidelines


The journal publishes original articles, translations, archival material, discussions, and reviews that have not been published before.The main languages are Lithuanian, English, Russian, German, and French.

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically at:


Submitted articles shall feature a research problem, substantiate its relevance, formulate the aim of research, define the object, set out the methodology, evaluate the level of investigation of the theme, provide analysis and conclusions, and indicate bibliographical sources.

The article shall be supplied with an annotation in the original language of the submission (at least 1000 characters, including spaces), keywords in the original language and in English, and a summary in the original language (1200 characters, for translation into English).Information about the author (first name, surname, academic degree, academic title, affiliated institution, email address) is submitted with the article in a separate document.


A scholarly publication should not exceed 40,000 characters, including spaces, and the volume of an archival publication or a review should be approximately 20,000 characters. The manuscript should be formatted in MS Word, typed in Times New Roman 12-point font size, and 1.5-line spaced. The footnote style is automatic in 10-point font size.Quotations and bibliographic references should be formatted in accordance with the standards set by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (please see Requirements for Publications).


Articles submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed.A submission is reviewed by at least two reviewers selected by the Editorial Board, either from the members of the Board or other persons, who are active scholars in the relevant field. The reviewers fill in the reviewer questionnaire and submit their motivated opinion, along with remarks and suggestions to the author.Peer-reviewing is double-blind: the name of the author is concealed from the reviewers, and, likewise, the authors do not know the names of the reviewers.


If there is a suspicion of plagiarism, the Editing Board of the journal reserves the right to reject the submission at any stage of its preparation or to recall articles that have already been published.


If an article does not meet the submission requirements, the Editorial Board has the right to reject such a submission without considering them for publication, disregarding their content; the Board can also edit the texts for the purpose of clarity and volume. Fundamental corrections to the text are coordinated with the Author.

A publication of a larger volume requires a separate decision of the Editorial Board.

Antakalnio g. 6, LT-10308 Vilnius, Lietuva tel.: 2621943,