Tautosakos darbai / Folklore Studies publishes original research articles, scholarly reviews, important documents on the scholarly history and folklore source materials with scholarly commentaries, as well as information on relevant academic activities. Articles are published in Lithuanian or English.
The submitted articles or reviews cannot be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
The recommended length of an article is 40 000 symbols, that of a book review – 20 000–40 000, that of a piece of information – up to 10 000 symbols. Longer publications require obtaining consent from the Editorial Board.
Research articles submitted for publication are peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers. The process of peer-reviewing is double-blind, i.e. the reviewers are not aware of the authors’ identity, and vice versa. If the reviewers present contrary opinions regarding the suitability of the article submitted for publication, a third reviewer is appointed.
Reviewers take into account the relevance of the article’s topic, the definition of its problem and purpose, the level of previous investigation, the application of research methods, the comprehensiveness of bibliography, the level of examination of the problem, and the correspondence between the article’s conclusions and its topic. The structure of the text, its language and style are also evaluated.
The Editorial Board may not start the reviewing process if the submitted article does not correspond to the general editing requirements or to the thematic scope of the journal; also, if its language and style are clearly inadequate. If the author(s) of the article take no account of the reviewers’ suggestions and/or refuse presenting their arguments in writing, the Editorial Board is at liberty to reject the reviewed manuscript.
The document should be prepared in MS Word, conforming to OS “Windows” (in “doc” or “docx” format) in standard fonts such as Times New Roman, 12 pt. font size.
Any additional information is given in automatically numbered footnotes. Bibliography (and optionally, abbreviations list) is presented at the end of the article.
Illustrations. Schemes and diagrams should be prepared using computer graphics, photos and musical scores readied for publication should be formatted in TIFF or JPG (*.tif or *.jpg), resolution no less than 300 dpi. It is obligatory to indicate the name of the photographer, the subject, date, and the photo source. The author is in charge of obtaining permissions to use the illustration materials. Illustrations should be submitted as separate attachments, with their insertion places marked in the text file.
Other multimedia files, such as audio or video recordings, can also be submitted as attachments. The audio recordings should be in MP3 format, size not exceeding 64MB (recommended quality level 128 Kbps). The video recordings should be in MP4 format, encoded using H.264 compression standard. These attachments will be made available to the readers in the electronic version of the journal.
We recommend not exceeding five illustrations per article.
Structure of the article should correspond to the following pattern:
(1) Title (in 14 pt. font size, not in caps);
(2) the name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s), the name(s) of the institution(s), in which the submitted work has been carried out – both in Lithuanian and English; the author(s) email address(es) and ORCID number(s) (in 12 pt. font size, not in caps);
(3) abstract in the language of the article (1000–1400 symbols);
(4) keywords in the language of the article (up to six), separated by comas;
(5) the body text (optionally, broken into sections with individual headings);
(6) lists of sources and bibliography.
Quotations and references. Short quotes are separated by double commas, quotes within quotes – by single commas. Longer quotes are presented in brevier, shortened text lines, spaced in the beginning and the end. If the language of the text quoted is different from that of the article, we recommend presenting its translation in the body of the text, and supplying its original form in the footnote if necessary. All modifications in the quotes are indicated by angle brackets.
Source references following the quotes or renderings are in brackets and must contain the author’s / editor’s surname(s), year of publication, and page number(s): (Biržiška 1925: 10–11; [Mašiotas] 1918: 3; Litovkina et al. 2008: 250). If two or more authors cited have similar surnames, initials are also supplied in the references. Abbreviations for frequently used source publications (such as dictionaries, folklore collections, etc.) are also welcome. In that case, the abbreviation and page number(s) are indicated in brackets. The number of the volume, if necessary, precedes the page number: (BRMŠ 2: 45). Whenever indicating the number of the quoted text rather than the page number, or the page and text number, the order is as follows: abbreviation, volume, and text number, or page number and text number (LLD 21 no 225; BsJK: 383, no 4). When referring to an archived document, we recommend indicating its title (or its beginning followed by suspension points) or its author and date (if unavailable, indicate [s.a.]), followed by a comma and precise numbers of individual pages (Sruoga [1913-11-25], l. 1v; Valkininkų parapijos gyventojų... 1913, l. 140v). Individual references are separated by semicolons in the brackets. Both in the body of the text and in long quotes, the references precede the punctuation marks. Source references should follow a coherent system (using abbreviations is recommended).
Internet quotes or references follow the same system: i.e., in general, the author(s) name and year of publication should be indicated; in case of rendering or direct quotation, also the page number (if available) should be included. When the internet source is anonymous, or if a big number of internet sources is referred to in the article, we recommend submitting the numbered list of internet sources at the end of the article, and indicating its entries in the angled brackets in the text [1, 2, 3].
Titles of book publications are presented in italics, while headings of articles and other smaller texts – separated by double commas.
Personal names, when first mentioned in the article, should be written in full (i.e. including the name(s) and surname(s)); further, using the initial letter for the name and the full surname is recommended.
Alphabetically ordered lists of abbreviations and bibliography are presented at the end of the research publications and book reviews. First, entries in Latin alphabet are listed, then those in Cyrillic (or any other) alphabet follow. The bibliographic description should comply with the title page of the publication rather than its cover or metrics. The available data that is not indicated in the publication is written in angle brackets (name of the author, date and place of the publication, etc.). Publications by the same author of the same year are indicated with letters after the year number (a, b, c…). If there are more than three authors or editors, only the first one is named, followed by the abbreviation et al. If the author of the publication uses pseudonym or initials, these are preceded by the personal name in angle brackets. The author’s surname precedes the name in the bibliography.
Electronic publications are referenced similarly, only the electronic address of the website in question is added to the entry in brackets.
Examples of sources and bibliography for Tautosakos darbai / Folklore Studies
ATU – Hans-Jörg Uther. The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography 1: Animal Tales, Tales of Magic, Religious Tales and Realistic Tales, with an Introduction; 2: Tales of the Stupid Ogre, Anecdotes and Jokes, and Formula Tales; 3: Appendices, (FF Communications 284–286), Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.
BsJK – Juodoji knyga, surinko Jonas Basanavičius, parengė Kostas Aleksynas, Leonardas Sauka, (Jono Basanavičiaus tautosakos biblioteka 12), Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2004.
BRMŠ – Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai 2: XVI amžius, sudarė Norbertas Vėlius, Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidykla, 2001.
Gluski Jerzy (ed.) 1971. Proverbs = Proverbes = Sprichwörter = Proverbi = Proverbios = Пословицы: A Comparative Book of English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian Proverbs with a Latin Appendix, compiled and edited by Jerzy Gluski, Amsterdam; London, New York: Elsevier, 1971.
KHM – Die Kinder- und Haus-Märchen 1–2, gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm, Berlin: Realschulbuchhandlung, 1812–1815.
Kl – Kalendorinių apeigų dainų skyrius Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos instituto Lietuvių liaudies dainų kataloge.
LKŽ-e – Lietuvių kalbos žodynas: pataisyto Lietuvių kalbos žodyno (1–20, 1941–2002) elektroninė versija
LLD – Lietuvių liaudies dainynas 21: Karinės-istorinės dainos 6: Partizanų dainos, parengė Kostas Aleksynas, melodijas parengė Živilė Ramoškaitė, Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2009.
LTTc-e – Latviešu tautas ticējumi 1–4, sakrājis un sakārtojis Prof. P. Šmits, Rīgā: Latviešu folkloras krātuves izdevums, 1940–1941
SJPSz – Słownik języka polskiego 1–3, red. Mieczysław Szymczak, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1978–1981.
Sruoga [1913-11-25] – Balio Sruogos atvirlaiškis Liudui Girai, [Panevėžys], [1913-11-25], Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos instituto bibliotekos Rankraščių skyrius, f. 13, b. 1630, l. 1v.
TER – Archer Taylor, English Riddles from Oral Tradition, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1951.
Totoriai Lietuvos istorijoje... – Totoriai Lietuvos istorijoje: nuo priešų iki piliečių
Valkininkų parapijos gyventojų... 1913 – Valkininkų parapijos gyventojų Romos katalikų, kalbančių lietuviškai, sąrašas, 1913 m., Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas, f. 604, ap. 1, b. 9792, l. 140v.
Виноградова Л. Н. 1995. «Адвент», in: Славянские древности: этнолингвистический словарь в 5-ти томах1, под общей редакцией Н. И. Толстого, Москва: Международные отношения, p. 94–96.
Aleksandravičius Egidijus 1994. Lietuvių atgimimo kultūra: XIX amžiaus vidurys, Vilnius: Baltos lankos.
Bartmiński Jerzy, Chlebda Wojciech 2013. „Problem konceptu bazowego i jego profilowania – na przykładzie stereotypu Europy“, Etnolingwistyka 25, p. 69–95.
Biržiška Mykolas 1925. Dainų istorijos vadovėlis, 3-iasis leidimas, Kaunas: „Vyties“ bendrovės leidinys.
Bula Dace (ed.) 2017. Latvian Folkloristics in the Interwar Period, (Folklore Fellows’ Communications 313), Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica.
Carnes Pack 1994. “The Fable and the Proverb: Intertexts and Reception”, in: Wise Words: Essays on the Proverb, edited by Wolfgang Mieder, New York–London: Garland, p. 467–493.
Georges Robert A. 1981. “Do Narrators Really Digress? A Reconsideration of ‘Audience Asides’ in Narrating”, Western Folklore 40 (3), p. 245–252.
Kanyó Zoltán 1981. Sprichwörter – Analyse einer einfachen Form. Ein Beitrag zur generativen Poetik, The Hague, Paris and New York: Mouton Publishers.
Krištopaitė Danutė (sud.) 1985. Aš išdainavau visas daineles: Pasakojimai apie liaudies talentus – dainininkus ir muzikantus 1, sudarė ir parengė Danutė Krištopaitė, Vilnius: Vaga.
Kudirkienė Lilija 2001. „Patarlė kaip žmonių gyvensenos atspindys“, Tautosakos darbai 15 (22), p. 121–127.
[Leparskienė Lina] 2019. „Senas vynas naujame vynmaišyje, arba Apie atgimusią Sabantujaus šventę“ [pokalbis su tiurkologe Galina Miškiniene], Būdas 3, p. 14–21.
Litovkina Anna T. et al. 2008. “Punning in Anglo-American, German, French, Russian and Hungarian Anti-Proverbs”, Proverbium 26, p. 248–287.
[Mašiotas Pranas] P. M. 1918. „Arklys lietuvių dainose“, Dabartis, saus. 10, p. 3.
Merleau-Ponty Maurice 2018. Juslinio suvokimo fenomenologija, iš prancūzų k. vertė Jūratė Skersytė ir Nijolė Keršytė, Vilnius: Baltos lankos.
Pekarskis Jurgis 2021. „Iš praeinančio laiko, kuris istorinėje atmintyje neištirpsta“,, saus. 17
Röhrich Lutz 2008. “And They Are Still Living Happily Ever After”: Anthropology, Cultural History, and Interpretations of Fairy Tales, edited by Wolfgang Mieder and Sabine Wienker-Piepho, translated from German by Paul Washbourne, Burlington, Vt.: The University of Vermont.
Sauka Donatas 2007. Lietuvių tautosaka, 2-asis pataisytas ir papildytas leidimas, Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas.
Smith Sidonie, Watson Julia 2010. Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives, 2nd edition, Mineapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press.
Sruoga Balys 2003. „Mūsų tautosaka ir gyvenimas“, in: Balys Sruoga, Raštai 9 (1): Tautosakos studijos, 1921–1947, parengė Algis Samulionis, Donata Linčiuvienė, Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2003, p. 429–430.
Totoriai Lietuvos istorijoje... – Totoriai Lietuvos istorijoje: nuo priešų iki piliečių
[Turauskas Pranas] R. M. 1902. „Senoviška iš stabmeldystės laikų daina“, Tėvynės sargas 9, p. 33–34.
Vācere Laila 2012. Kognitīvā poētika latviešu dainās par ābeli: no formulas uz zīmi: promo-cijas darbs, Rīga: Latvijas universitāte.
Zaikauskienė Dalia 2012. Lietuvių paremijos XX–XXI a. sandūroje: tradicija ir inovacija: daktaro disertacija, Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas
Березовая Н. В. 2002. «Исландские поверья об «ожывших покойниках» и их связь со скандинавским погребальным культом», in: Представления о смерти и локализация Иного мира у древних кельтов и германцев, oтв. ред. Т. А. Михайлова, Москва: Языки славянской культуры, p. 226–252.