"International academic conference Creative Legacy of M. K. Čiurlionisvand its Dissemination: Images and Meanings, Texts and Contexts" (Vilnius, 18–19 September 2020)
"International academic conference LITERARY TASTE MAP: FROM TASTE CULTURE TO TASTE INDUSTRY" (24–25 September 2020)
11th International Conference of Baltic Literary Scholars „Global Contexts, National Literatures" (LLTI)
International Conference „Texts and Contexts of Tomas Venclova’s Creative Work” (LLTI, VU)
International academic seminar on Baltic studies "The Baltic Agora: Literature, Culture, Mythology" (LLTI, University of Latvia)
International Conference "Literary Field under the Communist Regime: Structure, Functions, Illusion" (LLTI)
International Conference "Imagology Profiles: The Dynamics of National Imagery in Literature" (LLTI, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association)
International research conference "Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis in Vilnius", from the cycle of cultural events "Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis in Vilnius", dedicated to the 140th anniversary of M. K.Čiurlionis (LLTI, M.K. Čiurlionis House, Vilnius Academy of Arts)
Public discussion "A year following the anniversary of Kristijonas Donelaitis; achievements and further tasks. Presentation of the publication program of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, dedicated to the anniversary of K. Donelaitis" (LLTI, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
International academic conference "The Meanings of Kristijonas Donelaitis (XIV readings of Jurgis Lebedys) (LLTI)
IV-th International Conference of the Young Folklorists „The Informant in Folklore Studies“ (LLTI, University of Tartu)
16th international congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) „Folkloro naratyvai šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje: vienovė ir įvairovė“ (‘Folk Narrative in the Modern World: Unity and Diversity’) (LLTI, VU)
Internationale Konferenz „Vydūnas und Deutsche Kultur“ (die Vydūnas-Gesellschaft. LLTI)
16th international congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) "Folk Narrative in the Modern World: Unity and Diversity". (LLTI, VU)
International conference „Dvi tautos ir aštuoni regionai: baltiška, tautinė, regioninė savimonė literatūroje ir kultūroje“ (‘Two nations and eight regions: Baltic, national, regional self-awareness in literature and culture’)
International conference for young folklorists ‘Theoretical Frames and Empirical Research/Teoriniai rėmai ir empiriniai tyrimai’
Maironis ir jo epocha (‘Maironis and his times’) (LLTI, Vytautas Magnus University Literature Department, Lithuanian Art Museum)
International conference „Petras Skarga SJ ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kultūra 1612-2012“ (‘Petras Skarga SJ and the culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1612-2012) (LLTI, VU)
International conference „Satyra ir groteskas post/moderniojoje Vidurio ir Rytų Europos literatūroje“ (‘Satire and grotesque in post/modern literature of East and Central Europe’)
International conference „Česlovo Milošo laikai ir vietos” (‘Times and places of Czeslaw Milosz’)
International conference “Paskutinieji raštų tomai: autobiografinio rašymo trajektorijos” (‘The last volumes of collected works : trajectories of autobiographic writing’) (together with VU LSC)
International conference „Žalgiriui-600. Istoriniai mūšiai Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės raštijoje“ VII Jurgio Lebedžio skaitymai (‘600th anniversary of Grunwald. Historic battles in writing from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’. VIII Jurgis Lebedys reading)
6th Central and Eastern European Conference on Phenomenology “In statu nascendi: Phenomenology, Pedagogy, Psychotherapy” (EHU, VGTU, LLTI)
VIII international conference of Baltic literary researchers ‘Baltic memory: the beginning of the end (literary processes in 1968–1988)’
International scientific conference in cooperation with Grenoble Stendhal University Imagination Research Centre (Centre de recherches sur l'imaginaire Université Stendhal Grenoble 3), „Baltiškoji pasaulėjauta: nuo mitologijos iki tautosakos“ (‘Baltic world-view: from mythology to folklore’).